This page contains text from as well as links to Media articles & reviews on my IoT books.
iX – Magazin für professionelle – Informationstechnik – 5’th version 2019
In the above magazine Tam Hanna reviews 6 books on IoT. One of these is the 3’rd Edition of “Embedded Software for the IoT” published by De Gruyter. After describing another book as being too theoretical he continues (my translation – see original text below):
In “Embedded Software for the IoT ” Klaus Elk goes the opposite way. His book already in the second chapter about real-time operating systems brings plenty of C code, and maintains the high technical level in the following parts. The selection of topics is esoteric in places – instead of I2C, SPI and Co. Elk presents TCP / IP, for example. Interestingly, there are also aspects that can be helpful in practice. The book qualifies as a quick introduction to the background and architecture of the IoT.
The original German text:
Klaus Elk geht in „Embedded Software for the IoT” den entgegengesetzten Weg. Sein Buch bringt schon im zweiten Kapitel über Echtzeitbetriebssysteme reichlich C-Code und behält in den darauffolgenden Teilen das hohe technische Niveau bei. Die Themenauswahl ist stellenweise esoterisch — anstatt FC, SPI und Co. vorzustellen, lässt sich Elk beispielsweise über TCP/IP aus. Interessanterweise findet er auch da Aspekte, die in der Praxis hilfreich sein können. Das Buch qualifiziert sich damit als Schnelleinführung in Hintergrund und Architektur des IoT.
“Version2/Jobfinder” – section of “Ingeniøren” 2017
In December 2017 the danish web-news-site Version2/Jobfinder did an article about the background for the 2’nd version of the book: the need to educate more embedded developers. The article is in danish and unfortunately the link is now dead. Sorry.
“Elektronik & Data” 2016
In November 2016, the danish magazine “Elektronik & Data” brought an article about the first edition. You need Flash – as well as the ability to read danish: